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NCC Surface Water Team Activated for Search for Missing Person - 20 Creek Road - Peters Rock

January 17, 2008

On Wednesday, January 16, 2008 notification for the New Castle County Surface Water Team was activated to assist the New Castle County Police Department on a search for a missing person in the Brandywine River. Holloway Terrace Fire Company, Station 20 was originally contacted for a possible Dive Team Operation. Dive Team Leader Rob Snyder (20-8B) and Surface Water Team Coordinator (Deputy 15) Bucky Finnegan developed a plan of action. Holloway Terrace 2nd Assistant Chief Bob Maxwell (20-8C) requested for 3 marine units to be dispatched and to activate the New Castle County Surface Water Team. Station 25 and Chief Looney (25-8) were notified of the situation in their district by the Fireboard. Marine units from station 18 (Good Will), station 20 (Holloway Terrace) and Wilmington Fire Department and the Surface Water Team were dispatched at 11:14 hours. Station 18 responded with MRU-18 and 18 Marine 2, station 20 responded with U-20 and 20 Marine 3 and the Wilmington Fire Department responded with SB-2 and Rescue 1 per Battalion 2 (Donohoe). Surface Water Team units responding were Special Ops 15 and the Surface Water Team Trailer, 15-0 and 15 Marine 2, MRU-29 and 29 Marine 2 and C-23. Command structure was in placed with Bob Maxwell (20-8C) in command, Jack Wilson - Logistics, Bucky Finnegan - South Division and Frank Schoeffler (29-8) North Division. Station 25 and Medic 4D were dispatched for EMS Standby. F-100 took over communications at 12:27 hours. Trooper 4 had done an earlier search of the area from 09:15 hours to 10:15 hours with negative results. At 13:13 hours, the teams were setting up for entry and by 13:19 hours the South Division was in the water with the North Division in at 13:25 hours. PAR check was completed at 13:57 hours and all were accounted for. At 14:06 the North Division reported that they had a recovery. Another PAR check was performed at 14:08 hour with all accounted for. Both teams started to exit the river at this time. Command placed the scene under control at 14:11 hours. Medic 4D attained patient pronouncement at 14:35 hours. Command was terminated at 14:35 hours and scene was turned over to NCCPD. Excellant job by all who responded!