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1st of 2 Southern Elementary School Fire Prevention Visits - Station 15

April 07, 2008

On Monday April 7, 2008 ninety kindergarten students from Southern Elementary School came to the Delaware City Fire Company for their annual Fire Prevention Class. This will be the 1st of 2 Fire Prevention Visits this week from Southern Elementary School. They were introduced to Ashes the Fire Dog. Ashes is the newest member of Delaware City Fire Prevention Team. Ashes asked the children many questions. The children became eager and excited to answer the questions. During the session, the children were able to answer all 10 Fire Prevention questions correctly. As a reward the children were each given a fire prevention packet. Each member of the group was given a homework assignment. There assignment was to go home and have their parent check their smoke detectors. They were also instructed to share the information that they learned today with their friends and family. Thanks to the Children and Staff of Southern Elementary School for attending the Fire Safety Program. Members in attendance: Phil Smith, Jamie Watson, Josh Sinex and Bob Neel.