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DCFC helps with the State of Delaware Move over Law - New Castle

January 13, 2010

The Delaware City Fire Company has offered their help and support with the State of Delaware's Move over Law after the tragic accident in December 2008 in which member Michelle Smith was killed in the Line of Duty. Our Fire Company reached out to DVFA Past President Steve Austin in asking for help and guidance in a Public Safety Announcement in regards to Highway Safety and the Move over Law. Gracious as ever, Steve Austin never hesitated in accepting our request for help! In conjunction with the many organizations that Steve serves for, he and many others have worked very hard in acquiring funding and resources to get this started. Our Honorary Member Ken McMahon has also be instrumental with some of his contacts in helping us move forward! Asking for a contact person to work with from the Fire Company, Life Member Jim Watson was asked to be our liaison with Steve to do whatever we can to get things started. One of the things that were in the works was the Delaware Move over Law Campaign. Delaware City was asked to provide a Firefighter to appear in the billboard campaign and Firefighter Shawn Wagner was chosen to represent the Fire Company. Member Tori Watson was also chosen to participate as a last minute replacement. As this law is just a start, our Fire Company will be working with Steve, Ken, Jim, NCCVFA, DVFA and the many other organizations in making sure we continue to get the messages out there in protecting our Emergency Responders EVERYWHERE! **Photos have different back grounds**