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January 23, 2018

On Saturday, January 6, 2018, members of the Fire Company and Ladies Auxiliary attended out Annual Awards Banquet in our Memorial Hall.

Chairperson Cheryl Dennis welcomed everyone to the Banquet and introduced Past President Jasper Lakey for the Invocation.  Chairperson Dennis then introduced Master of Ceremonies Past President of the Delaware State Fire Chiefs Association and Current Fire Chief of the Wilmington Manor Fire Company Stephen "Redman" Maichle.

The Officers and Members of the Fire Company and Auxiliary would like to once again THANK the Kennedyville, MD, Newark and Wilmington Manor Fire Companies for covering our Fire District tonight so our memberships could enjoy the evening.  Special Thank you to the Ladies Auxiliary of the Good Will Fire Company for serving our dinner which was prepared by our Ladies Auxiliary.  Thank you to Gina Smith, Rob Edwards and Rob McFarland for bartending once again. 

Auxiliary President Nancy Migliavacca and Vice President Marilou Stewart presented Service Awards to the Auxiliary Members, Appreciation Gifts to both members of the Auxiliary and Fire Company.  President Migliavacca on behalf of the Auxiliary presented a check of $25,000.00 to President Paul Johnson and Chief Wally Poppe.

President Johnson and Chief Poppe then presented the Fire Company Service Awards to those recipients in attendance.  Top Responder Awards were presented to Brett Neel for Most Fire / Rescue Alarms.  Most EMS Runs and Totals Combined was presented to Past EMS Supervisor Albert Schrack.  Training Awards were presented to John Albany and Tanicsha Nowlin for 500 Hours of Training, Bill Sahm, Patti Schrack and Shawn Wagner for 1,000 Hours of Training and 2,500 Hours of Training to Brett Neel.

Chief Poppe then presented the Vincent F. Malloy / Michelle L. Newton Emergency Responder of the Year Award to Tanicsha Nowlin.  The Chief Emeritus Charles Neel Award was presented to his grandson, 1st Assistant Chief Brett Neel.  Chief Awards were presented to Bill Hart, Paul Johnosn and Ray Lyons.  The William C. Poppe Sr. Memorial Cadet of the Year Award presented by his wife, Life Member of Both Organizations Peggy Poppe, President Johnson and Chief Poppe to Kayla L. Bright.

President Johnson presented the President Emeritus Harry Bright Memorial Award to Rob Costango.  President Awards were presented to Chery Dennis, Diane Guthrie, Charles Neel and Jim Rosseel.  Recongition was given to Dave Tiberi for his assistance to the Fire Company within the past year.  Honorary Memberships were presented to Delaware City Mayor, Stan Green and former Ladder Captain, Lew Epright who moved back to Delaware County.

The final award of the night, the President - Chief Award was presented to 2nd Assistant Chief Brian Reeder for his dedication and loyal committment for the past year.

The Fire Company presented the Auxiliary Members with a Night Out to a Dinner and Show of their choice.  The Active Crew was presented a service tumbler with the Fire Company Logo.  The Annual Slide Show Video was presented by Dave Jones and Bill Sahm.

The night was turned over to DJ, "An Ear for Music" for a fun filled night.

Congratulations to all the Award Recipients and a special Thank you to the Banquet Committee for another excellent Banquet.

Thank you to 1st Vice President Dave "Pop" Jones for taking all the pictures for the night.