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Congratulations Career Staff Sam Boots for 20 Years of Dedicated Service

May 17, 2019

Tonight members of the Fire Company and Ladies Auxiliary attended a special celebration in honoring one of Career Staff, Sam Boots.  Today marked the 20th year of employment for Sam with the Delaware City Fire Company.  Sam was hired on this date in 1999 by Chief Jamie Rosseel.

For the last 20 years, Sam Boots has been a model employee and one of consistency in all aspects of the services we provide.  Throughout his tenure he has reported for work with very minimum sick time usage, very minimum.  Over the last 20 years there have been many changes and challenges within the Fire Service and Sam has taken all of them in stride and continued to serve with the highest level of commitment and integrity.

Sam also can be counted on to repair anything from portable equipment too minor repairs on the apparatus, which over the years has no doubt saved the fire company a lot of money.  He has always been willing to help our members with training in all aspects of Fire, Rescue and EMS.  He has helped mold not only some of our members into leadership roles but his fellow Career Staff as well.  His work ethic is unmatched and sets a great example for everyone.

The Chiefs Office has seeked his opinions and guidance on many things over the years.  What Sam does for the Fire Company he also does for the Ladies Auxiliary.  Countless times when the Auxiliary is shorthanded, he doesn’t have to be asked to help out, he just does it and of course he is fed very well too!!!

Being the person Sam is, he is also does not hesitate to help the members when asked and it doesn’t matter if just listening to them or fixing something for them.  As once can see, Sam is a very vital part of the DCFC Family and that is what a lot of us consider him.... Family!!  It’s a very common thing to find Sam and his family, wife Joanne, daughter Samantha and son Quint out with the members to dinner or other functions.  When the fire company was adding additional Career Staff in December 2018, his son Quint was involved on our Part Time Program and it was an easy decision for the Chiefs Office to offer Quint one of the full time positions as the apple didn’t fall far from the tree as Quint has a lot of his father’s traits, mannerisms and yes, sense of humor.

Sam has been recognized with the Presidents in 2010 and was also presented the Chief Arthur B. Hope Heroic Firefighter of the Year Award for his actions during a triple fatal fire 2010.  In 2016, he was presented the Chiefs Award by Chief Jamie Rosseel in recognition of their 18 years together.

As you can very well see by reading this, Sam Boots is a lot more than just a Career Staff at Delaware City but a good friend to many as well and we are very thankful to have him as part of the DCFC Organization.

During tonight’s recognition, Sam's family, wife Joanne, daughter Samantha, her fiancé Justin and son Quint along with several members of both the Fire Company and ladies auxiliary surprised Sam with a cake in recognition of 20 great years with us.  Also taking time out from his busy schedule, Sam's long time counterpart on another shift, Career Staff Ken Getty attended tonight’s recognition.  We have also been blessed to have Kenny as an employee for 15 years!!!

Senator Nicole Poore had a Senate Tribute done for Sam but could not be in attendance due to prior arrangements.

Once again, CONGRATULATIONS Sam Boots for 20 Years of Service and we look forward to hopefully a few more [10 plus ???] years together.