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Chief Emeritus Herb Netsch recognized by the Delaware State Fire School

January 26, 2020

Today during the Annual Delaware State Fire School Instructor Seminar, our Chief Emeritus Herb Netsch was recognized by the Senior Staff of the Fire School with the Lifetime Instructor Achievement Award.

Chief Emeritus Netsch was an Instructor from September 1996 until February 2017 for 21 years teaching Hazardous Materials, Fire Brigade Training and NFPA 1081.

His teaching however has not stopped here at Delaware City as he continues to not only assist with teaching and training classes here at the station but you can always see him at our weekly training classes which proves your never too old to keep learning!!!

After he received his recognition this morning, at 1pm he was at the station to do his part in training our members on our new Quint which had 14 members in attendance.

On of the most respected Role Models at Delaware City and we offer our congratulations to Chief Emeritus Herb Netsch on receiving this prestigous recognition from the Delaware State Fire School.

Congratulations Chief!