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Tuesday Night Duty Crew - Station 15

January 08, 2013

The Duty Crew Program got off to a good start last Friday Night and it continued Tuesday Night. The Chiefs Office has made keeping our Duty Program a priority. A crew started Friday, January 4th off on the right foot. Chief Rosseel, Captain Mench, Lieutenant Hall, Firefighter Albert Schrack and Cadet Dillan Hoffman kicked this years program off. Tuesday nights crew consisted of Past Chief Herb Netsch, Assistant Chief Poppe, Lieutenant Hall, Firefighters Mick Pollinger, John Hughes, Lance Shoemaker, Cadets Will Poppe and Tyler Russell. Crew started the night off completing the checklists on 155, Rescue 15 and 157. All the power tools were ran, refueled and repaired. We had several other members assisting with apparatus and equipment checks, thanks to Captain Kiger, Career Staff Boots, Firefighters Grant Pittaway, Keith and Justin Lehman, Cadets Dillan Hoffman and J.W. Dennis. Once the crew finished the apparaus check and washing of Rescue 15, the crew spent an hour reviewing the equipment on Rescue 15. At 21:36 hours the crew responded with Engine 155 with a crew of 6 for level 3*Appliance Fire Inside the Structure with Christiana at the Apple Chase Apartments. 155 arrived on scene and stood by until the scene was placed under the control. As you can see we had 14 members assisting us tonight and 20 respond during the engine assist. Special thanks to the members who have helped keep the program running! Remember to sign in to Code Scheduling and signup where you can! The Chiefs Office thanks you in advance for your continued support!