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DCFC Attends the Annual National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Services - Emmittsburg, Maryland

October 06, 2012

The annual National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Services were held this past weekend at the National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg, MD. On Sunday the memorial was move inside to the auditorium at the nearby St. Mary’s College, due to the rainy weather conditions. Attendance was well represented with approx 3,500 to 4,000 crowded into the auditorium. Several members of the DVFA and others from Delaware were in attendance on Sunday to witness a total of 85 firefighters being recognized as heroes that loss their lives in the Line of Duty during the year of 2011. The families of those lost were presented a Rose and a US flag that was once flown over the Capitol in Washington DC. A special 2011 year plaque was shown that will list all the heroes and their state respectively.