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Delaware City Ladies Aux. Increases Their Numbers on the Golf Course - Dover Par 3

September 22, 2008

On September 10th, Delaware City Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary enjoyed another year golfing at the LADVFA Golf Outing at the annual conference. For the second year in a row our numbers increased again. We went from 2 teams to 3 (hoping for 4 next year). Team 1 – (the veteran team – AKA The Fun 1’s), included Ivy Costango, Ladies Aux. Assistant Secretary Kitt Neel, Tammy Finnegan and Cheryl Dennis. This team was caddied by Past Chief Rob Costango, Charlie I. Neel and Safety Officer Jay Dennis (when he wasn’t being the photographer, gopher or instructor). Team 2 (Crab Hat Ladies), included Ladies President Nancy Migliavacca, Ladies Auxiliary Vice President Marilou Stewart, Ladies Secretary Michelle Smith and Megan Haddaway. This team was caddied by Ron Miglivacca – Nancy’s husband. Team 3 (our new team this year) included Tori Watson (filling in for her mom, Deb who was in the hospital – Thank God nothing serious), Christine Reeder, Tammy Poppe and Maggie Jones. This team’s caddies, President Wally Poppe, Safety Officer Jim Watson and Brian Reeder sported white tank tops with Cooters on the front and Trophy Husband’s on the back. The golf outing itself increased by about 15 ladies from last year. In years past the golf course allowed the ladies to play on the first nine holes only (the ladies only play 9 not 18), this year the golf course opened up the back nine since the number of players increased and our ladies got to play the back nine which was great – as the veteran team had been playing on the first nine for the last couple of years – so this was a welcomed change. We all totally enjoyed ourselves golfing and the ladies would like to thank our men who accompanied us and caddied for us! You are the best!!