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Valero Refinery Training - Station 15

September 29, 2008

On September 29, 2008 a joint training session with the first due companies (Delaware City, Christiana, Good Will, Odessa and Port Penn Fire Companies) for the Valero Refinery was held at station 15. Valero Refinery Chief Herb Netsch and his staff gave a class on the refinery, which involved information on the Refinery's Fire Brigade, Apparatus and Equipment, Hydrant Systems, Foam Systems and what the role would be of the initial box responders. Also on display was there new Engine 34-3, one of their hired guns (pickup truck with 3000 gpm nozzle attached) and one of their hydrants for all the responders to become familiar with. Over 40 members from the first due companies were in attendance. A second training night is scheduled for Wednesday October 8, 2008 with a tour of the facility.