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Annual Open House - Station 15

October 05, 2008

On a beautiful sunny Sunday afternoon on October 5th, the Delaware City Fire Company and Ladies Auxiliary hosted our Annual Open House from noon till 4:00 PM. Over 150 people throughout the day were able to tour the Fire Station, check over the apparatus, learn how to operate a fire extinguisher, extinguish a house fire, have their blood pressure checked, attain fire prevention materials, free smoke detectors and batteries. Members of the NCC High Angle Confined Space and Surface Water Rescue Team were in attendance with their equipment. The NCC Emergency Medical Service Division were on hand with a Paramedic Unit and their Mobile Crisis Unit, as well as the NCC Communications Division Mobile Command Post, Delaware State Fire School Virtual Reality Trailer, Delaware State Fire Marshal Office Arson Investigation Response Van, Odessa Fire Company Rescue 24, the Port Penn Fire Company Field Piece and Argo Unit and our Delaware City Police Department. The Ladies Auxiliary provided hot dogs, popcorn and Philly style pretzels. Our Cadet members had a Cadet Application and Information table. There were 2 different vehicle rescue extrication demonstrations. One by the Fire Company and a joint demo by the Fire Company and Odessa Fire Company. Ashes the Fire Dog was on display and was a big hit with all the children in attendance. It appeared that the highlight of the day was the chance for kids of all ages to squirt water on a makeshift house that was on fire. Kids lined up all day for a chance to squirt the water. Special thanks to all the members and Career Staff (Sam Boots, Ken Getty, Brad Speakman and Eric Comley) who assisted for the past 2 weeks in cleaning of the building inside and out and to Chairman Mick Pollinger and Co-Chair Michelle Smith for all time and effort in making the Open House a success.