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New Castle County Installation Banquet - Station 14, Cranston Heights

December 11, 2008

At the Annual New Castle County Installation Banquet at Station 14 Cranston Heights the Delaware City Fire Company was recognized by County Executive Chris Coons with a Tribute and by the New Castle County and Delaware State Ambulance Associations for receiving the Leo R. Schwartz Volunteer Emergency Medical Service of the Year given annually by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians. In accepting the Awards, President Wally Poppe thanked County Executive Coons and both Ambulance Associations for the recognition and acknowledged that this Award would not of been possible if it wasn’t for the dedication of our Fire Chief Jamie Rosseel, our EMS Division Officers, EMS Supervisor John Atkinson, Assistant EMS Supervisors Mike McMichael and Rob Trivett, our 28 EMT's, our Drivers and especially our Career Staff of Sam Boots, Ken Getty, Brad Speakman and Eric Comley. The Officers and Members of the Delaware City Fire Company would publicly like to Thank everyone for the recognition and kind words on receiving this prestigious award.