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November 15, 2009

On Sunday November 15th at 1100 hours, safety training was being held on the parade grounds of the Governor Bacon. Members from Port Penn, Delaware City, Odessa, Wilmington Manor, Cranston Heights, American Legion 64, DSP, and Lifenet, went through training on the DSP 407(Trooper 4) 412(trooper 5 heavy) and Lifenet helicopters. This training was setup with Port Penn to established as a safety reminder of the proper way of loading/unloading of pts. The day started with DSP/Lifenet giving a powerpoint and then members were divided into 3 groups to go over all 3 helicopters. The final part of training 2-5 member teams along with a pt to be loaded to Trooper 5 heavy for transport, along with 2 members of that team. A lot of “good” info came out of this training and we hope that other companies throughout the state take advantage of it.