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MVC - Car v. Deer - (M29B1) - S. DuPont Highway and Route 1 NB

November 20, 2009

At 22:49 hours Station 15 was alerted for an MVC car v. deer on S. Dupont Highway and Route 1 NB. NCC Paramedic 610 (Moerman from M5D) arrived on scene advising 1 injury and DOA of the deer. B-15 and Rescue 15 (under the command of volunteer career staff Sinex) went responding at 22:53 hours. A-24 was in the area and arrived at 22:57 hours and initiated patient care. Rescue 15 and B-15 arrived at 23:02 and 23:03 hours with volunteer career staff Sinex assuming South DuPont Highway Command. Command placed the situation under control at 23:06 hours with Rescue 15 and B-15 available from the scene. Crew from Rescue 15 assisted with debris while A-24 transported the patient to CER at 23:07 hours. Station 15 units and P610 cleared at 23:09 hours turning the scene over to DSP. Responding Units: B-15, Rescue 15, 159-E, A-25, NCC Paramedic 610 and DSP.