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Pictures from PSA - District 15

July 05, 2010

The following pictures were taken during the filming of the Slow Down and Mover Over Video Shoot that the Fire Company is doing in conjunction with Stonehouse Media Inc. After the tragic death of Firefighter Michelle Smith in December of 2008. The Fire Company wanted to do a Public Service Announcement in regards to the Slow Down and Move Over Law. We asked the New Castle County Volunteer Firefighters Association for assistance. NCCVFA Past President Steve Austin (member of Aetna Hose, Hook and Ladder Fire Company) who worked in the Insurance Business before retiring stepped up and got things rolling. With all his contacts, Steve was able to secure funding through a grant and completion of the video was last week. Future plans are to have an unveiling of the video at our station inviting all those who have been involved. Special thank you to Honorary Member Ken McMahon for his assistance and to Jim Watson who spearheaded this committee from day. Great Job Jim!!!!