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16th Annual DVFA Conference Parade - Dover

September 27, 2010

Over 55 members of the Fire Company, Ladies Auxiliary and our families participated in the 16th Annual DVFA and DVFALA Conference Parade. The Fire Company was able to have 25 members participate in the parade while the Ladies Auxiliary was able to have 15 Ladies participate. We were able to have 15 family members join us on the Fire Prevention Float. The Fire Company was awarded 2nd Place Men’s Marching Unit without Music for the 2nd consecutive year. Engine 15-5 placed 2nd Appearing Engine and A-15 placed as the 4th Best Appearing Ambulance. The Fire Prevention Float was awarded 3rd place. The Ladies Auxiliary Marching Unit brought home a 4th place finish. Special thank you to Loretta Getty for helping out with painting of the fire prevention float. Congratulations to all of our members and Career Staff who worked very hard in getting everything prepared for the Conference. All of you did a great job, Thank You!!!