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Several Members of DCFC Installed as County Officers - Station 17, Five Points

December 09, 2010

At the New Castle County Fire Service Installation Banquet on Thursday, December 9, 2010 several members of the fire company were installed as officers of the various associations. EMS Supervisor John Atkinson was once again installed as President of the New Castle County Ambulance Association. He served as President in 2005 also. Deb Watson and Nancy Brannock were once again installed as Treasurer and Secretary respectively. Asst. EMS Supervisor Bill Kiger was installed as a Director. The husband wife tandem of Deb and Jim Watson were installed as Officers of the New Castle County Volunteer Firefighters Association. Deb is once again serving as Secretary and Jim as a Trustee. David Carpenter was installed as a Director in the New Castle County Fire Chiefs Association. All of the above members are active within the fire company and are once again dedicating themselves to their respective County Association. Congratulations to all the above members!