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Fire Ground Operations Training - Delaware City

December 04, 2011

On a sunny Sunday afternoon in December, members from Delaware City Fire Company participated in a Fire Grounds Operation Training right in town. The training was primarily for new members and Cadets but a good refresher and practice for seasoned veterans. The training covered, Hose Operations, SCBA usage, Search and Rescue and RIT (Rapid Intervention Team). The training; led by David Carpenter and Josh Sinex started out with an overview of what would be happening at the site for the next several hours. They walked through each evolution step by step with each participant and answered any questions. The abandoned building was then filled with smoke from burning Straw in the back bedroom to simulate “Live” conditions at which time they loaded Rescue 15 back up with the team and circled the block to simulate arriving at the scene. Everyone had an opportunity to participate in each stage of the training which made this exercise successful in every aspect. Once the training was complete, the scene was wet down and secured by boarding up the windows and identifying the dangerous conditions of the site with Caution tape. All in all the training was informative and realistic for the responding firefighters. At the end of the day each member got to see and participate in simulated Fire Ground Operations so they are better prepared if called on for the real thing.