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DCFC / HACSR Response for Injured Worker

July 12, 2017

Incident # - 2017-1500371

Time of Dispatch - 09:22 hours

Location - 315 Cherry Lane, New Castle

A-22 [Minquadale] was dispatched for a injured worker at 09:06 hours.  A-22 arrived on scene and was advised the patient was 80 feet up on a Processing Unit.  A-22 requested the New Castle County High Angle Confined Space Rescue Team. 

Stations 20 [Holloway Terrace], 15, 11 [Brandywine Hundred] and the New Castle County High Angle Confined Space Rescue Team were dispatched to assist Station 20 [Holloway Terrace] on a High Angle Rescue for an Injured Worker.

Chief Mark Willis [Holloway Terrace Fire Chief 20-8], Rescue 20, A-20, 29-6 [Port Penn], Ladder 18 [Good Will], Ladder 12 [Christiana], Utility 11 and HACSR11 [Brandywine Hundred] and Trooper 4 responded.  Special Ops 400 [Bob Maxwell] assumed Command and special requested Wilmington Fire Department Squad 4 to respond also.  WFD Squad 4, Battalion 2 [Schaal] Deputy 2 [McCaffery], Battalion 12 [Looney] and Lieutentant F9 [Cavanaugh] responded.  TSU-15 and HACSR1 with a crew of 3 made the response.

Once on scene, crew from TSU15 assisted with Command Post Operations.  Crew from WFD Squad 4 made access up to the Processing Unit to the patient at 10:09 hours and packaged the patient in a stokes and lowered the patient via on site crane to awaiting crews on the ground at 10:14 hours.  The patient was transported to CER by A-20 and Command placed the scene under control at 10:15 hours with units taking up.

TSU15 and HACSR1 cleared the scene at 10:26 hours.