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MVC w/ Entrapment

October 18, 2018

This morning at 06:33 hours, Stations 15, 4/24, Christiana Fire Company B6, NCC Medic 5A and DSP Trooper  4 were alerted to an MVC with Entrapment on Route 1 NB just south of Wrangle Hill Road.

NCC EMS Lieutenant Chris Johnson [ALS13] came upon the accident and advised the Fireboard that he was on scene with a subject trapped.  2nd due BLS C-15 responded [primary BLS A-15 was on scene at another medical call] followed by Rescue Engine 15.  Rescue Engine 12 and Ladder 12 also made the response.  

Rescue Engine 15, Rescue Engine 12 and Ladder 12 arrived with in minutes of each other around 06:46 hours and started extrication.  Deputy Chief MacKenzie arrived on scne at 06:49 assuming Delaware City Command.  Extrication was complete at 07:01 hours.  Command placed the scene under control at 07:10 hours.