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Election of Officers for 2022

December 01, 2021

At tonights Company Meeting, the 2022 Elections were held.  The following Officers were elected:


President Wally Poppe

Vice President Barb Taylor

Secretary Deb Watson

Treasurer Jamie Rosseel


Rob Costango

Ed Kalinowski

Herb Netsch

Barb Taylor

Shawn Wagner

Dave Carpenter - 1 year

Mike Maxwell - 1 year

Line Officers

Fire Chief - Allan MacKenzie

Deputy Chief - Brian Reeder

1st Assistant Chief - Brett Neel

2nd Assistant Chief - Mike Maxwell

Captain 1 - Vacant, Will be Appointed

Captain 2 - Vacant, Will be Appointed

Captain 3 - Vacant, Will be Appointed

Lieutenant - Kayla Bright

Marine Captain - Bill Sahm

EMS Supervisor - Barb Taylor

Assistant EMS Superviosr - Vacant, Will be Appointed

NCCVFA Past President Jim Watson served as Installing Officer.  Congratulations to all the new 2022 Officers.  Special Thank You to Outgoing President Paul Johnson, who served for the last 5 years and did an outstanding job!