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New Career Staff - Luke Powell - Station 15

April 08, 2012

Chief Jamie Rosseel is pleased to announce the hiring of Luke Powell of the Bethany Beach Fire Company as our new Career Fire / EMS Personnel.

The Hiring Committee conducted interviews over a 2 day period and recommended to Chief Rosseel the hiring of Luke Powell.  Once contacted Luke Powell accepted our job offer and will start in the next few weeks.

Luke becomes the 6th Career Staff we have hired.  Jerry Brennan was the first Career Staff that we hired followed by Sam Boots when Jerry left to be a Senior Instructor at DSFS, then Ken Getty, Brad Speakman and Eric Comley.  Luke will be taking Eric Comley's position after Eric accepted a position with Christiana Care.

Congratulation Luke and welcome to the DCFC Family.  We would also like to thank all of the applicants who submitted an application.