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Helping those affected by Hurricane Sandy - Toms River, NJ

November 14, 2012

Ladies Auxiliary member Sharon Hart felt compelled to help out those in need after Hurricane Sandy. After contacting Janna Stanley (Past member of DCFC) Sharon decided to make it a mission to collect items in need to help out the members of Silverton Fire Company (Toms River NJ). Sharon, her husband FF Bill, and kids passed out flyer in their neighborhood to collect items. An email was sent out to all the fire fighters and ladies auxiliary members of the DCFC Family along with posting needed items on Facebook. In just 3 days, the Hart’s had a garage full of items to take to New Jersey. On Wednesday November 14, Sharon and Bill headed north to deliver the items. While they were there, the members and ladies of Silverton FC treated them with open arms. They had the opportunity to speak with a few members that had a little damage from the storm and also members that had lost everything including their houses. Some members are staying with family while others are living at the firehouse. The items they took consisted of coats, blankets, kids games, water, non-perishable food, boxes of batteries and other items in need. The items will be used for emergency and utility workers while they try recovery from Hurricane Sandy. They had an opportunity to talk to Chief Bob Sinnott and Ladies Aux. Members Carmella and Maria who were preparing lunch for all the workers. The day ended up with FF Mike taking them on a tour and getting a first hand look at the complete devastation that the storm left. They would like to thank the following for all those who donated: Members / Ladies Auxiliary of the Delaware City Fire Co., Boys Scout Troop 125 (Middletown), development of Pine Valley Farms, Pam Whitmer, Crabby Dick’s Restaurant for the use of their box truck to deliver the items, and all the other individuals who dropped off items. It is nice to be a part of such a giving community who is always willing to help out when others are in need. The Officers and Members would like to thank Bill, Sharon, Buddy and Zachary for all of their hardwork in helping those affected by Hurricane Sandy. Special thank you to Crabby Dicks Owners Mayor John Buchheit and Dale Slotter for the use of their box truck to deliver all the itmes and to all of you who helped by donating to those in need! The website to Silverton Fire Company is