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Cadet Commmittee Monthly Meeting - Station 15 Training Room

February 26, 2013

At this month’s Cadet Meeting, the quest speaker was Delaware State Police Troop 6 Commander, Captain Jeff Evans. Captain Evans spoke to the Cadets and Committee members about the State of Delaware Driving Laws. A few of the Cadet members are in the process of driving and Captain Evans went over the State of Delaware Graduate License Program Laws. Captain Evans spent 2 hours explaining and answering questions about the State of Delaware Driving Laws. The Cadets and Committee would like to thank Captain Evans for taking time out of his busy schedule to talk to them. Cadet Coordinator Sahm presented Captain Evans with a Pilsner from Our 125th Anniversary in thanks for coming out. A total of 11 out of the 14 Cadet Members were in attendance. Coordinator Sahm announced that all report cards were due to him and President Kalinowski on or before the March 6th Meeting. He also announced that the Cadets will be having their 1st field trip with a visit to the Delmarva Power Process Center.