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Congratulations Shyla Mazzaferro and Ray Lyons on the birth of Jase Michael - Delaware City

June 20, 2013

The Officers and Members of the Delaware City Fire Company are happy to Congratulate Shyla Mazzaferro and Ray Lyons on the birth of their son Jase Michael. Jase was born on June 13th at 2:51pm weighing in at 7 pounds, 9 ounces. From Jase's Heart Journey Facebook Page: Jase has a long road a head of him. Jase was diagnosed in utero with Double Output Right Ventricle and Stenosis of the Pulmonary Artery; both Congenital Heart Defects. On Tuesday, June 18th Jase had his first surgery. In this procedure they will be going in through the sternum, putting him in by-pass. Then they will place a stent to correct back flow that he has from the Pulmonary Artery. Lastly, they will remove tissue between two chambers in order to create a valve that was completely closed. To follow Jase's Heart Journey, follow his parents Facebook Updates at Stay Strong Jase, We Are All Praying for You!!