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Ladder Evolutions at Governor Bacon Health Center

August 21, 2013

We kicked our Fall / Winter Training Schedule off with a Ladder Evolution Class taught by the DSFS.  15-7 with a crew of 7 went over to the Governor Bacon Health Center and untilized the old Paynter Building for the class.

DSFS Instructor George Lamborn went over the different type of ladders carried on 15-7 and what they are used for.  Once this orientation was completed, Cadet Members Seiverd and Neel were shown the proper way to lift each of the different ladders by Lt. Hall, Interior Firefighter Layton and Senior Cadets Hoffman and Russell.

Then all the members participated in throwing ladders up against the building, climbing, securing them and then going over the railiing on the 2nd floor balcony.  Once this was completed, members were shown how to remove someone over the ladder from the 2nd floor.

A good learning experience for our new Cadets and refresher training for the other members.  Chiefs Office thanks the members for coming out to training and DSFS Intructor Lamborn for a great job working with the members.