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Check Presentation by Representative Valerie Longhurst and Senator Nicole Poore

August 26, 2014

On Tuesday, August 26th, Representative Valerie Longhurst presented a check in the amount of $12,789.95 to Deputy Chief Wally Poppe for the construction of a new floating dock in the Old C&D Canal for our Marine Units.  Last winter’s severe weather destroyed the dock that was in place.

Through the efforts of Delaware City Marina Owner Tim Konkus working with Marine Lieutenant Bill Sahm we were able to receive the funding assistance from Representative Longhurst and Senator Poore.  

Through the efforts several members of the Fire Company, assistance from the Delaware River and Bay Commission thru Past Chief Herb Netsch, a new floating dock was built and placed in service in the Old C& D Canal.

Senator Poore, Marine Lieutenant Sahm, Chief Jamie Rosseel and President Ed Kalinowski were unable to attend due to prior commitments.

The Officers and Members would like to once again THANK our Political Leaders for their continued support!   We are very fortunate to have 2 great Legislators within our Fire District.